Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 25 - Argentia Terminal to TCH/Route 100 Junction

We had a good night with no ship wrecks, men, or women over board, in fact nothing to laugh at at all. We ate too much, drank too much bad coffee, and looked out on a smooth sea in bright sunshine for the duration of the crossing. We chatted to lots of folks and developed our friendship with the other cyclists. There are a fun bunch of retired guys Ken, Bob, Len and Neil that get together once per year and cycle somewhere. They were very helpful with advice on how to get into Winnipeg, and offered us accommodation while we’re there. We also spent time trying to improve our French with Clare and Robert, our tandem twins, and Tristan and Magellan, young lads for Quebec City. It was decided that due to the lateness of the of disembarkation, we would shorten our day and aim for a motel: the Moorland at the junction of the TCH and route 100.

On leaving the terminal, the road meanders along for a couple of kilometers then sharply turns up at 13%. Typical, the front changer decided to act up, and we could not get into our groveling granny gear. The pain was soon over though and what doesn’t kill you makes you wish you’d cleaned the bike properly after the deluge in PEI.

At the top there was an Information Centre, and I popped in for a comfort stop. On leaving, this cute lady “of a certain age” chirped, “Could I have helped you?” Well before I could stop myself, I said that I done it many times and knew just what to do thanks.

Such accommodating folk. The scenery was nicely varied as we past the end of a small fjord, then climbed gently onto the Rock. The wind was generous once again, and blew us along nicely and we were soon at the Motel. We all joined up for supper at the local diner which was nothing to write home about. In bed for 10pm. Sweet dreams……


20kph average

Distance: 46km
Total Distance: 1978km
Alt change: 377m
Total Alt change: 10542m


  1. It was lovely to see and chat with you last evening, courtesy of Andrew, Em, wifi and Skype. Thanks to all. I do hope you get to see some of Newfoundland in sunshine today, it does shine sometimes, honestly!
    Enjoy your time with Em and have a safe flight out west.
    I'm going to have a lazy day today watching Wimbledon. Marge did you know that Nadal is not playing this year due to tendonitis in his knees, so Roger has a good chane to beat Sampras' grand slam total.
    hug each other from me,
    love Annie

  2. Hi to all, Skype event last night was a real blast, we saw the garden from a completely new set of angles. To all grass cutters, a grand merci, it looks good. Thanks Andrew for thinking of cleaning the car, one step at a time is good. Dave you seem to be enjoying your new status, I.m looking forward to the map. It'll help me too.
    It's positively peeing down as I write, waiting for my tea to cool and the bike boxes, which were lovingly carried 2km through torrential rain, to dry. Who says men can't do more than one thing at a time. Enough for now

  3. Hi Ron and Marge,
    I am glad you are doing fine. I am sending you greetings from Baddeck,NS. Denise and I are here with another couple (by car). Did the Cabot Trail yesterday. We are going to Sidney and Louisbourg today today.
    I will keep checking your progress whenever we check into a motel with internet service.
    Greetings from all of us.

