Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day 23 - Antigonish to Whycocomagh

We had the best night’s camping of the trip so far; it was warm, and quiet, and the loos were a few meters away. Ron got up early, as we had slept so well. Marge needed a cup of tea to get her going, and I had no problem with that. There had been a short shower during the night, so when we got on the road at 7:30 am the asphalt was still damp. But, the day soon warmed and we were steaming along the TCH 104 without too many worries, occasionally the paved shoulder would run out for a couple of hundred meters, but it seemed that during those times there was no traffic to worry about. All the trucks were very biker aware and gave us lots of room, or waited patiently for us to get out of the way.

High point of the day was spotting a very large Eagle , white head, fan white tail. Unfortunately we could not photograph it. Low point was a beautiful red deer dead in the ditch.

We stopped at 30km for a short break then it was up and down all the way to Canso Causeway Tourist Office, where we were told the route we had chosen to take through St Peters using 104 had lots of road-works and the shoulder was in poor shape. We were strongly recommended to use the TCH (Trans Canada Highway.) instead.

We met up with Jean Francois (the young man we had met near Marshville) again and said au revoir as he was off to Louisburg, while we snacked and then made our way east on the TCH. We suffered absolutely fabulous weather, 28C, and a strong tail breeze, blue, blue skies and clear visibility. It got tiring as the miles piled, due in part to the heat, the hills and our first hot day of the summer. But all good things come to an end, by 2:30 we were where we wanted to be: sitting in the shade drinking cold chocolate milk. Then, we went over the road to a new super market which was just being set up, workmen and shelf stuffers everywhere: Chaos. 200m to a campsite, cup of tea, carton of Pringles, up with the tent, shower, wash clothes, make supper, -tonight Steak, mushrooms, mashed potatoes, peas, fruit and of course tea. (Did I mention a tot of Captain Morgans? )

18.9kph average

Distance: 102km
Total Distance: 1837km
Alt change: 809m
Total Alt change: 9326m



  1. So glad to read your updates. I've been missing them.Are the other cyclists you've been meeting "Zoomers" like you? Here's to a calm crossing to beautiful Newfoundland, a place I believe everyone should experience at leaset once. Make sure to visit Cape Spear and say "Hi" to the whales playing in the bay for me. Be safe.

  2. Thanks to all of you who have sent us comments, we appreciate it, and it makes us fell in touch. e made it to the terminal in N Sydney today at lunchtime, but more of that later.
    Love to all. ronandmarge

  3. What we'd all like to know is did she make it as well. Fine weather expected next few days in Bruno, hope it continues so for you guys. All the best from bruno and the gang.

  4. Hi guys, I am really enjoying this blog. Sounds like you guys are having a great time together. What an adventure. Hats off to you. Your pictures are beautiful, what would we do without today technoligy.
    now that I think I have figured how to send a comment, i will more often.
    Stay safe,
    Love Donna
