Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day 14 - Baie St Anne to Bouctouche

The sun poured in through the tent and we were gently warmed. Just the birds, distant sound of the sea, and a breeze in the trees.

The usual pressure forced us out of bed and into the mosquitoes. There was much hilarity from the folks in the caravan adjacent to our site; I suppose they were laughing at our marionette dancing routine trying to defeat the buzzing hordes.

Packed up, we zipped east along the coast to Escuminac and breakfast. On the way we passed a church that had been converted to a boathouse. It was a sight that I felt mixed emotions about.

As we turned south the wind helped us and we made good speed until we hit a series of bumps in the road and the stoker chain came off. No big deal to fix, big deal to get the dirty oil off my hands, as I had put the hand cleaner right at the bottom of a pannier and had to be saved by Tim.

We passed through the Kouchibouguac National Park, where passed a funeral taking place at an old cemetery. It seems that people are no longer allowed to live there, but it’s ok still to be buried there.

At 82 km we stopped for lunch, where I stoked up on poutine, and Marge ate a delicious looking chicken wrap. As it turned out my poutine was more digestible.

We had a 5km diversion round Rexton because of bridge works, then several kilometers of head and side winds. It was getting late in the afternoon and fatigue was starting to set in, and we had some discussion about shortening the route by using the 11 to cut out St Eduard de Kent, but somehow we missed the turn and spent the next 16km fighting on-shore winds. The upside, it was the most picturesque section of the ride.

We finally made it to Bouctouche about 5:30pm and spent a lot of effort finding a motel. It appears one can eat as much as you want in Bouctouche, but you can’t stay there.

At last we found a superb Inn, Auberge Bouctouche Inn, got checked for two days, and then went out for supper; Fishermans Platter at last. In bed by 10pm. Thanks Live Wire once again for pointing out our mileage error for yesterday. It has been amended.
We have a day in the rain tomorrow, but for now………..let’s enjoy.

20.5kph average

Distance: 135km
Total Distance: 1313km
Alt change: 254m
Total Alt change: 5380m


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