Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 91 Craigleith to Newmarket.

Pictures Itinerary ronandmarge's JDRF Donation Page

The weather Channel was correct for once, we woke to sunshine and a warm wind from the SW.

Oh the joys of a new frying pan. Technology has improved so much since the old one had first seen the light of a gas flame. Today it was gourmet sausages and stuff, done to perfection.

The bike felt good as we rolled along into Collingwood, then onto highway 10 with a small peregrination round the ever present road construction. Here we felt the full force of the wind working against us for the first time. We stopped at Angus for a Tim Horton’s lunch,then trucked on hoping that the legs wuld take us to Stouffville. Unfortunately, we were delayed by a puncture in the rear tire, 1200km since the last one, which took the wind out of our sails, but we met a local young man who offered us all sorts of help, including a lift to Newmarket, which we declined. At the next intersection, there was a good restaurant so we pigged out once more and played out the last few,rural, noisy km into Newmarket. It was good, in some perverse way to see a double row of rush hour traffic lined up in the other direction.

We arrived at the Newmarket Inn, a rather swish place with a good room rate and swimming pool about 4:30pm very tired.

We Skyped the evening away chatting to friends and relations, and making arrangements for the last leg of the the journey.

Average 20.5kph

Height Climbed 505m up, 380m down

Today’s distance 115km

Total distance 6908km

Well that’s about all the news that’s fit to Blog. One of the most common comments we have from the general public is “ Don’t you think you need to change your front tire, it’s bald.” Marge came up with a good response today, “So’s my husband and I like him that way.” Lol

Night, night.


  1. You two have a bad influence. Bob, Alwyn and I went on a training bike ride today prior to your homecoming. The 40 plus Km to Chambly and back felt like 80, took 3 1/2 hours, and our saddles left a deep impression of just how much you guys have accomplished.
    As we left 407 this morning Emily and Alice called in to say hello before leaving St-Bruno for Kingston and are looking forward to seeing you on Saturday.
    Newmarket and off to the races.
    The old ones are the good ones, so they say, even if they are bald, Marge!
    Love from Dave & Sandra

  2. Sounds like you two are picking up the caloric intake!!!! How many breakfasts was that? Don't forget to cut back once you hit Montreal, spandex can only stretch sooooo far!!!!
    Ron, when you were in Winnipeg you mentioned that you'd looked at the Bike Friday tandems. What were your thoughts. I'm getting closer to contacting them to discuss one.
    Have a great ride the rest of the way. Ken P.
