Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 75 Mine Centre to Atikokan

Pictures Itinerary JDRF

I can never understand human nature, there we were laying in bed, just dozing off listening to the beautiful loons on the lake, when someone let off a very loud series of fire crackers which sounded to my sleep numbed senses like someone was kicking the door in. I flew into action and pushed Marge to go see who it was- no seriously I didn't really.....

Marge making tea

In the morning, light streamed in under the curtain and woke us early, so Marge full of energy jumped out of bed, and made me an early morning cup of tea. Ahhhh, beautiful.

But I was soon up and into the kitchen to make our standard fare of bacon eggs, mushrooms and tomato, with buttered toast, but then followers of this blog will already know that.

We packed up in record time and were on the road just after 8am to do the 80 something km to Atikokan. The traffic was practically non existant again today, as we rode up and down through trees and rocks and rocks and trees, and the occassional view of water. It was noticably more hilly today, especially after the first 25km, when we were dragged down into bottom gear for a couple of hills. All was well especially when we got onto 10km of billiard table smooth black top newly minted. Then, for the last 5km, we were onto wet red mud , newly damped to stopped the dust. Definitely not pleasant, but soon enough over.

We stopped by the tourist information office for another dose of Tourist people not giving a tinker's foot about us, the travelling public. This one not only knew nothing, but could hardly break herself away from the chat group on her laptop to tell she didn't know. If Ontario tax payers only knew.

We're staying at the the White Otter Inn, which is a bit upscale from our usual hostelry.

We dropped in the local convenience store for candy bars and drinks for the 140km ride tomorrow to Shabaqua Corners and saw a one handed paddle for an amputee canoeist. Atikokan is the canoe capital of Canada, and they obviously cater for all standards and needs. Good for them.

Lastly, in response to some rather hurtful comments about the length of my beard, Marge spent a very long (for me) 30 minutes cutting it, hair by hair, with some nail scissors.

Average speed. 20.8kph

Height Climbed 550m

Today's distance 84km

Total Distance 5345km

That's all the news that's fit to blog.



  1. Glad to hear you've been trimmed Ron it should improve the wind resistance no end. Another dull day in Bruno after a bright morning, as usual CTV promise better weather next week.
    Blake called today and gave himself a shower from the cat's water bowl.
    Couldn't access your itinerary, Am I alone.

  2. Hi Guys, good to hear that things are still going well. Don't listen to that CTV crap, your friendly weather man AL. says, this week will be hot and sunny, temp's in the high twenties
    with just the chance of a shower tomorrow.
    Happy trails, Al & Margaret.
    P.S. Davey I got the itinerary o.k..

  3. Well done Marge, a traveling man must look well groomed.
    Congratulations on 30 years in Canada. By coincidence, yesterday we had a get together with Richard, Michelle, Ken and Sheena (plus Jo and Syd via Skype from UK where they now live) to celebrate our 25 years of friendship with them, after meeting them on our arrival from the old country. The friends we have made over the last 25 years are very special and a lot of them we consider "Family". We were lucky and the rain held off. This confirmed our status as Canadians rather than Brits who nearly always barbeque under an umbrella.
    Keep safe,
    Love and hugs
