Monday, August 17, 2009

Day 82 White River to Wawa.

Pictures Itinerary Ronandmarge JDRF Donation Page

So we woke up, this is always better than the alternative, and decided to move on. I made breakfast in the motel yard, much to the amusement of a gang of ladies of a certain age who had spent the last 10 days fishing and wanted someone to “torment” other than their husbands. I offered to share our ample victuals, and remained my normal placid self in the face of some good natured, but barbarous wit.

We got away just after 9am into a fierce headwind and a gentle rise that never ended. A quick check of the altimeter to see if we were getting close to needing breathing apparatus revealed a climb of 45m. Somewhat disappointed we battled on knowing there would be no long downhills today. We stopped at a lodge at 28km and spent a leisurely hour chatting to a young lad there and playing guitar. Glad to find the fingers have not lost all their cunning. This is a big hunting area and the other patrons were all looking to bag a bear. I asked if they were using bows, but they smiled and said the last thing they wanted was to give the bear a sporting chance. The whole exercise is way too expensive.

At the next stop, Halfway Motel, Marge took a picture of me sitting next to a tin man.

I’m the one in Yellow.

By this time, it was over 30’C.

I have a rule which graduates how tired I am: if I notice 5km or more between glances at the Odo, I’m not tired, at 1, or 2km, I’m “ok” tired, and at 200m or less, I’m in pain. Thus it was for the last 20km. The sting in the tail was 500m of 6%. It will be a rest day tomorrow.

We met some nice folks, Danielle and Jean from Longueuil, at the Tourist Information, where the Guide actually had a clue. And here we are in the Algoma Motel with a very well done hand painted mural of a friendly looking wolf in the snow.

Wawa is known for its statues of geese

We ate too much at the Viking Tavern in the company of a dozen Harley Riders and several hunters, then back to the Motel to sleep the sleep of the log. Marge did wake me at sometime, as she was being processed through a saw mill, at least that was the level of noise. But it was music to me.

Average 17.7kph

Height Climbed 550m up, 620m down

Today’s distance 93km

Total Distance 6039km

That’s all the news that fit to blog today. Thanks to everyone for their comments, including MJand RG who regularly brighten our day’s photos with comments.

Thanks also to all the folks who have donated to the JDRF. Your gift is appreciated.

Night, night.

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