Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 80 Schreiber to Marathon

Pictures Itinerary ronandmarge's JDRF Fundraising Page

Oh it’s sooo hard to get out of bed. The birds were cheeping; the sky is blue, and not too cool. Finally hunger drove us to get up and get the show on the road. It was a perfect day to cycle, except for the stiff head breeze. Later though, this would be a good thing as we toiled up some stinking little hills. One even brought us down to groveling granny, something almost unheard of on this trip. The good news again was a more than adequate shoulder for most of the time, and very light traffic.

The scenery was super, and there was a look out just after a particularly nasty climb with a picnic table that we used to rest, and admire the view of trees and rocks and water and railway line and road-bridge in perfect order.

A few clicks further we stopped for coffee and a cookie at Neys Lunch and Camp-ground. Coffee was excellent and freshly made. Thus invigorated we hacked away at the last 25km into Marathon and took a Motel with what turned out to be a good restaurant. (Sorry Andrew and Alex, Mom and Dad are spending the inheritance!!! )

Back in the room we had the pleasure of a Skype Video call with Andrew, did the blog, and as Mr Pepys would say, “So to bed.”

Average 16.8kph

Height Climbed 965m up, 965m down.

Today’s distance 90km

Total Distance 5853km

No mechanical issues today, so it’s the first time I’ve arrived with clean hands for what seems like a long time.

Today was a beautiful ride for the fit and prepared, we enjoyed it.

That’s all the news that fit to blog.

Night, night.

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