Friday, August 21, 2009

Day 87 Iron Bridge to Massey.

Pictures Itinerary ronandmarge's JDRF donation page

We were out early to get breakfast at the Wildwood Resto run by 80year olds. It was nice, but slow, se we didn’t get started till after 9:00am. Summing up the day, rear quarter tail wind no hills, traffic variable, shoulder even more variable, and we are glad that there is only one more day on the 17. Truck traffic is quite high which is always a worry, even though the pro drivers give you as much room as they can.

There was a cold front coming behind us and we did not want to get wet again, so it was pedal to metal all morning, with only two short “bum” breaks. We arrived in Massey just after 1pm, which probably makes this our fastest “hundred” this trip elapsed time. Who should be waiting to check in to the Motel we had chosen but Robert and Clare, the Tandem pair we had met in Antigonish, and later at the North Sydney Ferry.

What a genuine surprise and it was so good to see them again looking buff and healthy. We spent the afternoon catching up on gossip, and hearing some of the traveler’s tales. We Skyped with Dave, did laundry, then felt really warm and cozy as an intense shower ricocheted a foot off the road in front of the window.

We went to the Resto next door, “The Dragonfly,” and had a surprisingly good meal after making arrangements to meet up tomorrow for a ceremonial ride towards Espanola, where we will part company. They will go towards Sudbury, while we head for Manitoulin Island

So after a ho-hum start, we had a great finish to the day; meeting up with fellow travelers, and clean clothes.

Average 22.8kph

Height climbed 280m up, 300m down

Today’s distance 96km

Total Distance 6483km.

I guess that’s all the news that’s fit to blog, plans are fluid for tomorrow depending on the weather so stay tuned.

Night, night.

1 comment:

  1. Good to talk to you Ron and to Robert folks here were getting rather antsy missing their daily blog. We too had rain today, a blessing for the gardeners out there. Your photos definitely show the rock and trees and water to good effect. Next stop Manitoulin Island the largest frsh water island in the world if I remember rightly. Tomorrow you should break 6.5k "only" one more k to go! We're beginning to count the days, making plans and looking forward to a good malt together.
    Happy trails. Dave & Sandra
