Last evening, we went for supper with Mark and Betty and found their company both stimulating and delightful. They are experienced travelers and river rafters, so there were lots of stories about places that we would like to go. Still we were in bed by nine, so we didn’t get into too much trouble. They plan to go to Ogema too.
The forecast for today is “another Hot one,” so we were up with the sun and eating muesli like it had gone out of style.
The road today was rolling with 50m dips, definitely
not flat, one ascent up to a railway bridge was quite
steep and had us down in the 7kph range.
We passed more standing water, even two large lakes, and many water holes. The fields are not so dry, and there is more sense of order here. We learned that the purple crops are flax, and the
yellow is sweet smelling canola.
We finally rolled into town just after 11am, and took lunch at The Rolling Hills Restaurant and had roast beef and mash. It was very good too, then after 3 cups of coffee we headed for the Regional Campsite, just outside of town. This is another delightful place and very good value for $15. Good showers and very shady sites. The water though has a lot of dissolved minerals which makes it not nice to drink, so we relied on a beer donated by Betty and Mark, who arrived about 3pm. Pizza for dinner and there will be enough for breakfast and lunch tomorrow.
We turned in ready for a cool night, and an early start. Mark and Betty have a hundred miles (160km) to do tomorrow to catch a train home and are preparing to get up by 5am.
Average 22 kph,
Height climbed 400m,
Today’s distance 84km.
Total distance 4106km
Hope Betty and Mark's train ran. Via stopped all trains midday on Friday because of strike action taken by some employees. Maybe they were on an american train?