Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 50 Cardston Rest and Re-tire Day

Today the sun is shining and everything is right in heaven. It happens to be my Birthday and so as a special treat I got up and made Marge a cup of tea. She was delighted. We picked up the tyres from Jim, Thanks Jim, and went for a little walk round town. The air was so clean and clear it was like looking at a Panasonic Plasma TV.
I did some research on JDRF with the aim of trying to make it easier for donors to donate on line, and posted that yesterday, but just to underline it, the address they ask forafter you have entered "ronandmarge" in the "In Honor of "option is to send a card to us, that's all. I contacted them and told them not to send us anything, so donors can put whatever in there. Their own address would be the easiest.
We are on the website, there is a potted history of our exploits, we looked much younger then. You can, if you have a surfeit of time on your hands,find us by using the web search function for ronandmarge.
We are going into the wilds of Alberta tomorrow, and we may very well out of contact for the next 4 or 5 days so dont worry if you see no new posts.
I looked up the statistics on the blogs readership, and to my pleasant surprise in the last 30 days we have 1100 readers who spent nearly 4 minutes per visit on the site. Thanks for that encouragement, and thanks to all the folks that comment and send us emails. We really enjoy them.
That's all the news that's fit to print today. Thank you


  1. Happy birthday Ron,
    See you in Saskatchewan.
    Poetic eh!
    The weather forecast for the next week is nothing but sun. Hot days and cool nights, so you'll only need your long johns in bed.
    Happy trails, no hills and lots of tail winds.
    love to you both.

  2. I guess you'll only get to read this after crossing "the black hole of civilisation". Welcome back! I shall be thinking of you even though there will be no blog for a few days, and shall be sending loads of positive vibes your way.
    The pool is looking good but we need some sunshine to warm it up a lot!
    There were 15 of us at the play readig last evening and fun was had by all with lots of laughter. Good times:-)
    Looking forward to reading more about your exploits.
    Be safe

  3. Hey Ron & Marge, Where are you guys? The weather is improving the pool is in need of swimming and the ladies are planning a Harry Potter night out on Tuesday. Andrew, Garry and I will be playing pool and I'll be using my retirement "stick" for the first time! What more could one want? It's just a word that you've safely reached the other side of the black hole we're needing. Tomorrow night, Monday, we'll set up a BBQ chez vous, swim in the pool, and sing songs, that should bring you out. No sign yet of Andrew, I suppose he should be back this week.
    Let's set a date for contact with 407, say Tuesday night around 7 your time, be there.
    In Saskatchewan..........Davey
