Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 130 (ish) Review of the return to real life

Hi Guys and Gals,
Well we had some folks tell us that it would not be easy to get back into the groove of ordinary life. They were right. For the first few days we were high and full of energy, we even did a couple of 100km rides just to make our yearly total up to a nice round number 10000km. However, then the fatigue started to set in and we found it difficult to do much at all. Marge seems to have recovered quicker than me. I find it difficult to get interested in anything for long, and I am continually hungry, but feel guilty when I eat. I like the slim form I have acquired in the last few months and don't want to give it up easily.
I started to do Yoga to help strengthen my back and neck and after two weeks I think that there is some improvement. I have to say though that all the exercises must have been designed by 13 year old girls, as I'm sure that they wanted to inflict pain and embarrassment on their parents.
The three months of mail were not bad to process once we decided a process of deciding its importance.
There remains a few tasks to do to finish off the recording of the trip. I started this morning to download the blog into a "diary", and it remains a difficult job to select representative photos for printing.
Lastly, the JDRF fundraising has done pretty well, as we are in the range $9000 total to date. Note that not all donations show up on the thermometer on the JDRF webpage.
If you feel so inclined just click HERE.
Thanks once again for all of your support this will be the last episode of this blog
Night, night.

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