Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 130 (ish) Review of the return to real life

Hi Guys and Gals,
Well we had some folks tell us that it would not be easy to get back into the groove of ordinary life. They were right. For the first few days we were high and full of energy, we even did a couple of 100km rides just to make our yearly total up to a nice round number 10000km. However, then the fatigue started to set in and we found it difficult to do much at all. Marge seems to have recovered quicker than me. I find it difficult to get interested in anything for long, and I am continually hungry, but feel guilty when I eat. I like the slim form I have acquired in the last few months and don't want to give it up easily.
I started to do Yoga to help strengthen my back and neck and after two weeks I think that there is some improvement. I have to say though that all the exercises must have been designed by 13 year old girls, as I'm sure that they wanted to inflict pain and embarrassment on their parents.
The three months of mail were not bad to process once we decided a process of deciding its importance.
There remains a few tasks to do to finish off the recording of the trip. I started this morning to download the blog into a "diary", and it remains a difficult job to select representative photos for printing.
Lastly, the JDRF fundraising has done pretty well, as we are in the range $9000 total to date. Note that not all donations show up on the thermometer on the JDRF webpage.
If you feel so inclined just click HERE.
Thanks once again for all of your support this will be the last episode of this blog
Night, night.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day 98 Salaberry de Valleyfield to St Bruno

Pictures Itinerary ronandmarges JDRF donation page

The last day on the road started early with Andrew groaning in pain. His Dad, wanting a good night’s sleep, called an ambulance. After a couple of hours, Marge and Andrew returned from the hospital with the news that he had an infection and needed some antibiotics and TLC. We called Dave who immediately volunteered to come and pick him up. We packed up and breakfasted at Resto du Pont, Marge loved the real maple syrup, and went back to the motel to wait for Dave. He arrived just before 9am, and in brilliant sunshine and with a strong tail wind we headed for St Timothe and Beauharnois. The ride over the dam, and under the tunnel was thrilling and a must do for cyclists in the Montreal region.

St Remi arrived and a pizza lunch,(got to keep those fires stoked) and once more into rural Quebec at its finest and most fragrant. We were passing close to one field being fertilized with manure and rural Quebec got to be almost too fragrant.

The miles went by very quickly due to the sterling efforts of Tim and Dot pulling us and the wind pushing us and with about 20kms to go we met up with Andre, an old friend, as the first of the reception committee.

Later, we met up with Helmut and others and photos and equipment were arranged prior to the last push into town.

It is here that I have so say that in all the crossing we had not pushed the tandem, it had been ridden all the way, but this had worn the middle chainring and in the last few kilometers, this wear was making the chain skip when very high loads were applied. I knew that going over the railway bridge would be just such an occasion, with that in mind, I tested the bottom ratio, and it worked perfectly.

So, down what we affectionately call the world’s worst road, to the aforementioned bridge. Due to something beyond comprehension, I did not change to the small ring and on the steepest part of the bridge we came to a grinding halt.

Cameras clicked. We coasted back down, put it bottom and cleaned the bridge to keep our “no push” record intact. A few minutes later, it was all over, to the cheers and congratulations of friends and neighbors. There was a long pause for photos, and time for a beer.

The blogs in the days following will give our progress on going through 3 months mail.Lol

Average 23kph

Height climbed 220m up, 180m down

Today’s distance 113km

Total Distance 7588km

That’s about all the news that's fit to blog, except to say the biggest Thank yous” to Dave and Sandra for looking after our house and pool and general mental health, Annie, for the many “Hugs,” Andrew for looking after grass, tomatoes and a thousand other little things, Tim and Dot for leading us in along the Lakefront Trail, sharing grass cutting duty, and a hundred other good things, to Alwyn for his weather reports, to the Winnipeg Crew who treated us so royally, especially Neil who kept his cool after I’d screwed up his computer . Also, “Thanks to all our friends and neighbors who did things for us that we will never know about, and took time out of their day to come and meet us. Last, but not least all the people we met on our journey who with their encouragement, advice and concrete aid made our trip so wonderful.

Night, night.